Website Services

What we can do for you...

What we can do for you!

We can help at every stage from designing and publishing your website idea to customising and configuring an already published Phoenix Cart e-commerce website.

Pricing & Quotes

We believe that offering our expertise adds value to your business. We value your time and we are sure that you value ours. Just as you invest time into managing your business, we invest time into ensuring you receive dedicated, actionable advice that improves your website.
We use professional time tracking software for every client project work time and e-mail interaction.
Our pricing and quotes are transparent at £72.00/hour, starting from as little as £18.00 and thereafter in £18.00 increments.

Support Packages

'Quick Fix' E-mail Support/Consultation

Starting from £18.00.
E-mail requests can require time spent on research and testing, chargeable pro rata and payable before we can provide an answer.

Addons & Themes

See our CE Phoenix Cart Addons, Modules & Themes here, together with working demonstrations, for ways we can help to improve your store.

All software downloads, including Addons and Themes, are provided "as is", that is, exactly as described and demonstrated on our demo sites.
We can provide support, consultation, installation, configuration, modifications, re-styling, updates and upgrades.
Starting from £18.00.
Some requests can require time spent on research and testing, chargeable pro rata and payable before we can provide an answer.

Website Review

This is our most commonly requested package.
We know store-owners are busy and it's easy to overlook, forget or neglect areas that could be better for your customers (and your sales!)
This is a visual check of your website design, layout and UX (User Experience) with a detailed list of suggestions for improvement.
Starting from £36.00.
Some requests can require time spent on research and testing, chargeable pro rata and payable before we can provide an answer.