Your Alerts message.

About Us

GreenSage is a colour themed Phoenix Cart Ecommerce Template. An ideal shop for a wide range of retailers.

Built on CE Phoenix Cart so it is fully responsive, looking great on all devices and includes all the functionality that is already built into that software.

This template theme has many style modifications and code additions, as shown in this demo, that have been shown to be preferable to customers and increase conversion including this About Us page for example.

Too many to list them all but additional modules and modifications include:

Category Menu
Seen at the top of all pages. This will change to reflect changes in user's Admin.
Links Menu
Seen at the top of all pages. The text and links can be changed or the module disabled in user's Admin.
Alert Message
Seen at the top of all pages. The text and links can be changed or the module disabled in user's Admin.
Advert Carousel
Seen on Home/Index page. The module can be disabled in user's Admin. This module uses adverts created in user's Admin>Tools>Advert Manager so text and links can be changed or it could be used to show any Advert Group created.
Featured Categories
Seen on Home/Index page. The text and links can be changed or the module disabled in user's Admin. This module uses adverts created in user's Admin>Tools>Advert Manager so it could be used to show any Advert Group created, for example, Featured Products.
Footer Links Menu
Seen at the bottom of all pages. The text and links can be changed or the module disabled in user's Admin.
Information Links Menu
Seen at the bottom of all pages. The text and links can be changed or the module disabled in user's Admin.
Unavailable Button
Seen on Product pages. This replaces the Buy Button with Unavailable Button when product stock is zero or less. The text can be changed in user's Admin.
Date Available
Seen on Product pages. This displays the Product Date Available if set in Product in user's Admin. The text can be changed or the module disabled in user's Admin.

GreenSage can be supplied as shown in the demo as a complete template that can be uploaded to an existing CE Phoenix Cart installation. Additional modules are configured in the user's Admin and instructions are included with the template. Contact us for alternative styling or if just a specific element or styling from the template is required.